Debbie Danecki has been hard at work on a list of nicknames. So many of us have them that the list is already at 121. Most of the names were bestowed by
Sgt. Tom Pohl "The Master of Monickers"
Who have we missed???
Send it via the contact page or directly to Deb at
Alphabet Man Mitch Halyckj
Alvin Alan Oshita
Angel Jack Ersfeld
Baby Huey Bruce Rappe
Balloon Helen Albrecht
BBF Bob Grau
Bear Barry Powers
Big Ern Ernie Cleburne
Boom Boom Fred Brehmer
Broadway Joe Joe Varallo
Bud Bruce Rappe
Buns Debbie Danecki
Charlie Potatoes Charlie Teichert
Chicken Coop - Eddie Coop
Chicken Hawk Frank Quante
Chico Cesar Velazquez
Chisel Chin Gene Gaiser
Col. Klink Werner Nuspl
Collie Nose Bill Zerfass
Crackers Nina Reitz (Fournier)
David Mary Dave Stoll
Dudley Do Right Doug Miller
Easy Axel Carlson
Elwood Ed Rizer
Fast Eddie Eddie Barranco
Fat Belly Fred Bolin
Father Jack O'Malley
Fifty Thirty Two Kathy Krueger Estes
Fingers Nick Koretos
Fish Jack Fisher
Flipper Ken Filipowski
Fred Jim Dosch
Goody Two Shoes Jeanne Bock
Great White Hunter Alexander Kloch
Grey Fox Roger Milz
Gym Shoes Don Keenan
High Pockets Julie Ulaneck
Honey Bear Ron Baran
Ice Queen Jan Gilono
Jars Bob Mason
Jay Wah Jerry Adams
Jed Jim Dahlman
Joe Ralph Meyers
Jules Julie Ulaneck
Jumbo Ray Davis
Kid Nitro Werner Nuspl
Lance Scrotum Darrell Warrington
Legs Larry Leganger
Leroy Lee Reiter
Lester the Molester Les Mustachio
Little Tommy
Magilla Ron McMillan
Major Greg McLaughlin
Markie Dennis Markoutsas
Memo Mike Maher
Merkey Fred Murray
Mickey Dan Coursey
Ming Alexander Kloch
Moon Ed Rizer
Morris Jon DeGusto
Murph John Ryan
Nasty Frank Nierman
Nutly Gary Nolte
Odie Bob Grau
Otis Don Melvin
Paddlefoot Gene Gaiser
Panda John Childs
Pebbles Don Janke
Plistic Mike Langer
Preacher Doug Miller
Rat Al Fournier
Red Helen Albrecht
Red Fox Harry Redmond
Robo Cop Mike Burns
Rusty Frank Quante
Sgt. Who Ben Kozub
Shakie John Kielczynski
Schlumpy Art Henning (thanks Lee)
Shoes Russ Van
Shoob Don Schube
Silly Putty John Hammond
Silver Fox Roger Milz
Smelly Ralph Meyers
Snaggletooth Ken Chamberlain
Soft Roy Roy Rankin
Space Cadet Tom Crowley
Spanky George Curtis
Stavros Bob Grau
Stinky Roy Beeman
Stormin' Norman Norm Neihaus
Stovepipe John Johnson
Sully Eddie Sullivan
Taco Len Ramirez
Tarbucket John Tarbert
The Eye Phil O'Keefe
The Flyin Hawaiian Don Satiro
The Foot Terry Proudfit
The Grape John O'Connell
The Great Pumpkin John Potempa
The Grim Reaper Charlie Olshock
The King Ken Chamberlain
The Lip Louis Lexander
The Neck Gary Reiter
The Penquin Herman Troy Carter
The Plug Bob Weick
The Rug John Manogian
The Wedge Donna Ruedy
The Wizard Ken Chamberlain
Three Star Don Hennessey
Thumper Carl Trombatore
Tilt Jim McGuire
Tobor Mike Burns
Tomato Nose Jack Gish
Too Tall Jeff Randall
TP Tom Pohl
Trombone Carl Trombatore
T-Shirt Charlie Teichert
Turkey Legs Alice Ann Seggeling
Twit Dennis Degelman
Twitch Jack Kielczynski
Uncle Al Al Kurth
Walla Walla Wally Christiansen
Wanzer John Hammond
War Games Darrell Warrington
Weasel Jim Halas
Weatherman Doug Miller
Wiiillbuuurr Wilber Miller
Yar Buzok Ray Kozub
Young David Dave Hussey